The green leaf for our logo symbolizes growth, renewal, and healing. The color green is for awareness in mental health. It is a symbol for mental illnesses, bipolar disorder and depression.
As advocate for mental health I speak about issues that center around relationships that deal with trauma, divorce and how to manage your emotions. The job of an advocate is to listen to your views and concerns and provide information to help you make informed decisions and fight on your behalf. Agape love network believes in helping others that want to be heard.

The goal is to walk, pray and speak life into you. I long for each of your healing and spiritual growth that we will all become mentally stable to function in a society where we would not be judged. And this is why I have become a mental health advocate and coach to help us learn to deal with things that are difficult and uncomfortable in relationships whether you are single or married. We are here to "Break the Stigma" To help you become a better you to grow spiritually and mentally in your relationships with God, spouses, family and friends.
Omar Liles The Mental Health Coach